A helmet is an important piece of safety equipment for any child who is riding a bike. It is important to make sure that the helmet fits properly and is securely fastened. Wearing a helmet can help protect a child's head in the event of an accident.
B is for Buckle Up in the Car.
It is important for children to always wear a seatbelt when riding in a car. Seatbelts help keep children safe in the event of an accident. Make sure that the seatbelt is properly adjusted and securely fastened.
C is for Cross the Street Safely.
Teach children to always look both ways before crossing the street. Make sure that they understand the importance of waiting for the signal to cross and to always use the crosswalk.
D is for Don't Play with Matches.
Matches and lighters can be dangerous and should never be played with. Teach children to never touch matches or lighters and to always tell an adult if they see someone playing with them.
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